Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is God's word.

Ephesians 6:17

The Hilt: Bible Engagement

The Bible is the sword of the Spirit and we are told to take up this sword as part of the armour of God. Like the hilt of a physical sword, The Hilt: Bible Engagement seeks to aid people in handling the word of God.

Here you will find different resources freely available to facilitate your study of the Bible. A New Testament Reading Guide is available now and an interactive Bible overview and heaps more resources are to come.

Joe Khan has actively taught the Bible in Baptist churches around Brisbane, Australia for over 20 years. Over the last 12 years he had served as Lead Pastor of Rosalie Baptist Church, a church revitalisation in the inner-city suburb of Paddington. Many of the resources on this website have been created as part of his ministry here.

Find out more about Rosalie Baptist Church: