Bible study guides and training eBooks
that can be used for small groups or private study.

Titus: Portrait of a Healthy Church

Titus is a short letter written by the Apostle Paul to a faithful servant of the gospel who he has left on the Island of Crete to put the churches in order. Across the course of this 6 part study, you will come to understand the essential elements of a healthy church and how you can be more involved in building this kind of community among the people of your church.

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James: Faith that Works

James is a letter written by James, the brother of Jesus, to scattered believers who faced the very real threat of persecution and other hardships. James writes to spur these believers on to a vital and active faith that sets them apart from the world around them. In this 9 part study you will wrestle with what it means to live out a faith that is more than words.

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